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博古斯拉夫斯基(И.М.Богуславский)是莫斯科语义学派句法语义思想的代表人物。他富有创见性地提出了“词汇单位的辖域”的分析方法,用以阐释语气词等消极谓词的语义结构。该方法成功地将题元理论运用于消极谓词领域,为其提供了行之有效的语义结构分析方式,开辟了题元理论更为广阔的运用领域。博古斯拉夫斯基秉承形式语义学的研究宗旨,将词汇单位的语法、交际、语用、超音质特征等整合并内化到对词义的描写中;他在对组合原则肯定的基础上,寻找并确认句法语义对应关系规律;他运用消极题元概念,将语气词与动词题元结构的研究成功并轨;他摆脱了对表层句法位置的控制,将对句子语义的描写下放到对词汇的题元及语义要素的分析中,增强了句法语义学的解释能力。博古斯拉夫斯基在句法语义互动关系领域的独特视角,有利于拓展国内句法语义研究的方向和思路。 Boguslavski (И.М.Богуславский) is the representative of the syntactic and semantic ideas of the Moscow semantic school. He creatively proposed an analytical method of “jurisdictions of lexical units” to explain the semantic structure of negative predicates such as modal particles. The method successfully applies the problem-theoretic theory in the field of negative predicate, provides an effective way of analyzing the semantic structure and opens up a broader field of application of the topic-topic theory. Boguslavski upholds the purpose of the study of formal semantics, the vocabulary unit of grammar, communication, pragmatics, supersonic features such as integration and internalization of the word meaning; he affirmed the principle of combination based on the search and He confirms the law of syntactic and semantic correspondence; he uses the concept of negative question element to merge the study of modal particles and verb question structure successfully; he gets rid of the control of the position of the surface syntax and devotes the description of the sentence semantics to the inscription And semantic elements of the analysis, enhance the ability to explain the syntax and semantics. Boguslavski’s unique perspective in the field of syntax and semantic interaction is conducive to expanding the direction and thinking of the study of syntax and semantics in China.
碱性土壤使用硫酸亚铁培育水稻秧苗 ,可以提高盘土 (床土 )有效硫和有效铁的含量 ,同时通过硫酸亚铁的水解作用 ,提高盘土 (床土 )酸性 ,有利于培育水稻壮秧。 Alkaline soi
【摘要】汉字作为世界上最古老的文字之一,承载着中华民族的文明。大学生作为祖国的未来,国家的希望,理应继承并有责任宣扬我们民族的文明。本研究以质性研究方法进行研究,试图分析大学生汉字书写影响因素。  【关键词】大学生 汉字书写 智能设备  【中图分类号】G645 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)15-0217-02  一、问题提出  由于我国教育体制的弊端,导致了我国高中