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患儿男,3月。因咳嗽10多天,以支气管炎收住。同病室中有一菌痢患儿。住院后第5d,患儿开始腹泻,每d10次至几十次,每次量少,初起以稀水便为主,后转为粘液带血丝便。患儿频繁哭闹,不能安静。病程中不发热,无呕吐,吃奶尚好。查体无阳性体征。粪常规:红细胞(+++),脓细胞(+++),未找到巨噬细胞。3次粪细菌培养,无致病菌生长。考虑患儿与菌痢患儿接触史,诊断为细菌性痢疾,先后用痢特灵、SMZCo、庆大霉素、吡哌酸、氯霉素、利福平等治疗3月余,均无效。患儿仍为脓血便,次数不减,白天与夜间除睡眠外无休止地哭闹。 Children male, March. Due to cough for more than 10 days, admitted to bronchitis. In the same ward there is a dysentery in children. 5d after hospitalization, children with diarrhea, each d10 times to dozens of times, each less, initially to dilute the water-based, then converted to mucus with bloodshot stools. Frequent crying children can not be quiet. No fever during the course of the disease, no vomiting, feeding is still good. Physical examination without positive signs. Dung routine: red blood cells (+++), pus (+++), macrophages not found. 3 fecal bacteria culture, non-pathogen growth. Consider the history of contact with children with bacillary dysentery, the diagnosis of bacterial dysentery, followed by furazolidone, SMZCo, gentamicin, pipemidic acid, chloramphenicol, rifampin for more than 3 months treatment, are ineffective. Children still abscess bloody, the number of diminished, except during sleep day and night crying endlessly.
Chronic pain is a major health problem world-wide.According to a recent report in the New England Journal of Medicine [1], the prevalence of pain in the United
目的:研究裸花紫珠乙酸乙酯提取物(ethyl acetate extracts from Callicarpa nudiflora,ECN)的抗乳腺癌转移作用及其作用机制。方法:采用尾静脉注射肿瘤细胞法建立裸鼠实验性
对于法拉利(Ferrari)和它腾飞骏马的著名车标,人们都不陌生。今年,法拉利汽车将迎来60周年诞辰。2007年4月,他的掌舵者、法拉利汽车公司全球总经理费立萨(Amedeo Felisa),也
新生儿湿肺是肺内液体过多,引起暂时性肺功能不全,预后良好。我院儿科自1988年6月至1992年6月诊断为新生儿湿肺30例,报告如下。1 临床资料1.1 一般资料 30例中男22例,女8例
本文首先对石棉离合器片与刹车片,按 JC129—66标准试验测定的冲击强度、布氏硬度,常温、高温摩擦系数和常温、高温磨损等960个数据、进行电算统计求出了各自的分布、平均值