
来源 :中国法律 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:john20002000
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黨的十八屆三中全會《關於全面深化改革若干重大問題的決定》(以下簡稱《決定》)明確提出「推進法治中國建設」的新戰略,並強調「必須堅持依法治國、依法執政、依法行政共同推進,堅持法治國家、法治政府、法治社會一體建設。」無疑,「法治中國建設」新戰略的提出,標誌著中國法治建設進入到一個全面深化改革的新階段,意味著中國法治建設又一次極爲重要的全面提速與極爲深刻的轉型升級,同時也爲全面深化改革背景下進一步推進依法行政、加強法治政府建設指明了新的方向,提出了新的任務。本文擬結合《決定》所提出的「法治中國建設」新戰略及其新要求,對深化改革背景下法治政府建設的新任務重點作出三個方面的簡要分析和解讀。 The “Decision on Some Important Issues of Fully Deepening Reform” (hereinafter referred to as “Decision”) of the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee clearly put forward the new strategy of “promoting the rule of law in China” and emphasized that “we must adhere to the principle of governing the country according to law, governing according to law, Administration and administration, and adhering to the rule of law, the government under the rule of law and the rule of law and society as a whole. ”No doubt, the proposed new strategy of“ building the rule of law in China ”marks a new stage in the development of China’s rule of law that will deepen the reform in an all-round way. An extremely important comprehensive speed increase and a profound transformation and upgrading. At the same time, it also pointed out a new direction and proposed new tasks for further promoting administration by law and strengthening the government by law under the background of deepening the reform in an all-round way. Based on the new strategy of “rule of law in China” proposed by “Decision” and its new requirements, this article intends to make a brief analysis and interpretation on three major aspects of the new task of building a government under the rule of law in the context of deepening the reform.
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中秋即兴  中庭月初上,光带木樨香。  千里分遥念,共此一夜凉。  中秋夜闻巴蜀无月寄霜华选二首  云重冰蟾隐,木樨伫悄悄。  君心明月皑,何须明月照?  岭南月盈盈,巴蜀云千层。  欲剪寸光赠,先冻月成冰。  独坐铁山顶峰  蝴蝶身边舞,白云头上停。  坐倚相思树,秋风入眼青。  故人遗雪花照有作  数朵轻盈舞,沾衣不忍吹。  春风隔屏寄,六瓣水晶梅。  和霜华二首  思君怕倚栏,愁绕碧香檀。 
同题《重读老杜有感》兼寄人  斯人旧梦尚蝼居,白草连横掩玉珠。  掷笔悲风书意气,期身浊世变穷图。  怜卿一抹残阳碧,许以今生瘦影孤。  宿命浮云吟傲骨,遥将记忆向谁呼。  次韵大哥甲午年生日自遣兼贺生辰  浮生际遇费吟多,历尽春秋意若何。  漫把萤光添夜雪,闲将半纸数归鹅。  千江照影一壶月,淡酒横琴几破蓑。  有约流年天不老,尘寰拂袖帽欹歌。  甲午年闰九月十九记晋城李君来电  惜别潇湘二十春