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继全国水利工作会议之后,河南省政府在新郑市召开全省农田水利基本建设及人畜饮水工作会议,传达贯彻全国水利工作会议精神,总结交流各地开展农田水利基本建设的经验,进一步组织发动,促进全省冬季农田水利基本建设向纵深发展。张以祥副省长分析了河南省水利建设形势,提出了去冬今春河南省水利建设的指导思想、发展目标和工作重点,要求各地搞好水利规划,抓紧修复水毁工程,实施好平原井灌项目,加快引黄及其它自流灌区的续建配套和技改步伐,大力发展节水灌溉,继续抓好治淮工程建设,抓紧抓好山 Following the national conference on water conservancy, the Henan provincial government convened a conference on farmland water conservancy construction and drinking water for people and livestock in Xinzheng City, conveyed and implemented the spirit of the National Water Conservancy Conference, summed up and exchanged experiences on farmland water conservancy construction across the country, and further organized and promoted The province’s winter farmland water conservancy construction to develop in depth. Vice Governor Zhang Yixiang analyzed the situation of water conservancy construction in Henan Province and put forward the guiding ideology, development goals and priorities of water conservancy construction in Henan Province during the winter and spring of this year. He urged all localities to improve their water conservancy planning, pay close attention to repairing water damage projects, Accelerate the continuation of construction and technical renovation of the Yellow River Diversion and other gravity irrigation areas, vigorously develop water-saving irrigation and continue to carry out the construction of the Huaihe River harnessing project,
据海关统计,2000年7月份全国进出口总值为409.70亿美元,比去年同期(下同)增长31.2%。其中出口214.79亿美元,增长24.1%;进口194.92亿美元。增长40.1%。1至7月份,进出口总值为2575.65亿美元,增长36.3%。其中出口1 According to customs stati
正确认识“老黄牛”在人才中的地位,发挥老黄牛式人才的作用,是水利行业人才资源开发工作中重要的环节。 Correctly understanding the role of “old ox” in the talent a
信息产业部、海关总署于1999年10月14日联合发出的通知称 ,随着全球个人卫星移动通信系统GMPCS(globalmobilepersonalcommunicationsystem)的不断发展 ,各种运营系统正逐步提供全球性的服务。经我国相关主管部门的同意 The circula
Sun Yushuang had worked in theSinopec Jinxi Refinery ChemicalsPlant since 1965, committed tocauses related to product technology,company management and ideologi
现在 ,随着市场经济的日益活跃 ,在激烈竞争中 ,有的商品就采取“薄利多销”的方式 ,对商品降价处理。买不买这些降价商品呢?应该注意些什么呢?从消费者来看 ,买“处理”的减价
借用一句IT行业的名言:几年之后,所有的公司都将成为网络公司。我们可以说,若干年之后,所有的商务都将是电子商务。 电子商务源于英文Electronic Commerce(EC),是指利用简单、快捷、低成本的电子通讯方式,在
随陕西省水资源考察团于1996年底赴美考察学习,虽然时间紧迫,走马观花,但比照我省乃至我国水利行业的现状,颇受启迪。 短短几日里,美国在以下几个方面给人的印象十分深刻: