
来源 :中国会展 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bgtbhu888
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从1月份开始,地方 “两会”陆续召开。通过查阅部 分省市政府2003年和2004年的 《政府工作报告》(包括香港、澳 门特别行政区2003年和2004年 《施政报告》),我们欣喜地发 现,“会展”、“会展业”、“会展 经济”、“会展旅游”等字眼频频 出现在省长、自治区主席、特别 行政区长官、市长们的报告中。 为此,本刊特摘选其中与“会 展”相关内容,与业内朋友共同 见证中国会展业的蓬勃发展。 From January onwards, local “two sessions” were held one after another. By consulting the “Government Work Reports” of 2003 and 2004 (including the 2003 and 2004 Policy Addresses of the Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Regions of the provinces and municipalities in 2003 and 2004), we were pleased to find that the “Conference Exhibition” and the “Exhibition Industry” The words “”, “Conference Economy”, “Exhibition Tour” etc. frequently appear in the reports of the provincial governor, the chairman of the autonomous region, the chief executive of the special administrative region, and the mayors. To this end, the magazine has selected special items related to the “Exhibition” and witnessed the vigorous development of the Chinese convention and exhibition industry together with friends in the industry.
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展会作为会议的一种特殊形式,在现在商品 众多、竞争激烈、宣传混乱的形势下,成为企业、 团体展示形象和实力的必要手段之一,为企业 所青睐。作为营销传播活动的组成部分之一