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配合着第四季度加强车间技术管理的中心工作,机械杂志编委会於第四次会议时,特作出了四项决议,内中明确的指出了“机械”在内容方面应行充实与今后发展的方向,另开了“技术管理制度与规程”栏,及“工具设计与制造”栏,并指出了编辑委员们及通讯员们在各工作单位,各工厂,在质量大检查,增产节约连动中,为加强车间技术管理工作应尽之职责,更希望技术人员们在这连动中起一定的作用。同志们!我们为使今後工业的发展更向前推进一步,应当重视这两个新开的园地,多培植它,充实它。更应当担负起机械所付与每个人的责任,为机械尽最大的努力! 在四期我们会举办了夹具设计竞赛,不少热心积极的同志们都参加了这一竞赛,这期已刊出了一部份夹具的介绍,不过我们还希望各厂里,能把设计新颖灵巧的夹具,多多介绍出来,使大家广泛采用。这期我们刊出三厂与十四厂的二份技术报告,像这样的报告,我们是很欢迎的,因为他们能针对目前的生产工作,解决技术的关键问题,并找出解决问题的办法,有效的提高产品质量,因此我们希望各厂生产干部也能将在生产中的技术改进,创造发明,通过这刊物介绍给大家,使大家的工作能并肩向前。不致於再摸索,绕弯路,耽搁时间,而能早日收到预期的成果。本刊也将围绕着这 In conjunction with the fourth quarter of strengthening the center of technical management of workshops, the editorial board of Machinery Magazine made four resolutions during the fourth meeting. It clearly pointed out that “mechanics” should be enriched in content and future development. In the direction of the other, the “Technical Management System and Regulations” column and the “Tools Design and Manufacturing” column were also opened. It was pointed out that the editorial staff and correspondents were working on quality inspections at all work units and factories to increase production and save costs. In order to strengthen the responsibility of technical management in the workshop, we hope that technical personnel will play a role in this linkage. Comrades! In order to further advance the development of industry in the future, we should pay attention to these two newly opened fields, cultivate more of them and enrich them. Should take the responsibility of the machinery and everybody, and make the best efforts for the machinery! In the fourth phase, we will hold a fixture design competition. Many enthusiastic and active comrades have participated in this competition. This period has published a description of a part of the fixtures, but we also hope that each factory can be innovative. Smart fixtures, introduced a lot to make everyone widely used. In this issue we published two technical reports for the three plants and the fourteenth factory. We like this kind of report because we can solve the key problems of the technology and find solutions to the problems in the current production work. Effectively improve the quality of products, so we hope that all factory production cadres can also improve the technology in production, create inventions, introduce this publication to everyone, so that everyone can work shoulder-to-shoulder. It will not be able to explore again, detour the detour, and delay the time, but can receive the expected results as soon as possible. This issue will also revolve around this
经过整风、反右,以及农业发展纲要40条修正草案 的公布,和建设社会主义的总路线的形成,在全国出现 了工农业生产大跃进、思想生产双丰收、技术文化大革 命的新局面。各方面的
1958年8月18日十几位机床与工具厂的厂长在第二 局座谈了一次技术革命问题。各厂长对当前如何进一步 深入开展技术文化革命运动,特别是对于如何进行设计 革命提出了许多宝贵