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胡氏为明代抗倭名将,未得善终,谗害冤死,年仅51岁。死后25年才昭雪。清大学士张廷玉修《明史》其传,确认其非严嵩一党。但朝政之黑暗,不得不委曲交通严氏父子,也令人扼腕。比之戚继光上交张居正,同为平倭名将,结局迥异焉!游绩溪龙川其旧居、宗祠,春发碧色,一池粼粼,故以诗咏之:平倭本意取封侯,一柱东南何以酬?只恨沉冤身后雪,胸中辜負好宏猷! Hu was the famous anti-Japanese post-Ming, not good end, injustice, only 51 years old. 25 years after death Zhao Zhao. National Cheng Kung University Zhang Tingyu repair “Ming History” its biography, confirmed its non-Yan Song a party. However, the dark government, had to instruct traffic Yan’s father and son, but also staggering. Qi Jiguang turned over Zhang Juzheng, with the same name for the Ping-wai, ending very different! Tour Jixi Longchuan its old home, ancestral hall, spring hair color, a pool of sparkling, so the poetry of the Wing: Why post column southeast? Only hate Shen after the snow, chest, let down a good macro!
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  Tai chi is a traditional martial art in china.Due to the slow and repetitive movement of Tai chi,it could be conducted easily by the elderly.Literatures sho