
来源 :新法规月刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gc_xyz
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第一章 总则 第一条 (依据) 根据国务院《工伤保险条例》,结合本市实际情况,制定本办法。 第二条 (适用范围) 本办法适用于本市行政区域内的企业、事业单位、国家机关、社会团体和民办非企业单位、有雇工的个体工商户(以下统称用人单位)及其从业人员。 第三条 (征缴管理) 工伤保险费的征缴按照国务院《社会保险 Chapter I General Provisions Article 1 (Basis) According to the State Council, “Industrial Injury Insurance Ordinance”, with the actual situation in the city, the development of these Measures. Article 2 (Scope of Application) This set of measures shall apply to enterprises, public institutions, state organs, social organizations and private non-enterprise units within the administrative region of this Municipality, individual industrial and commercial households employing workers (hereinafter referred to as employing units) and their employees. Article 3 (Collection Management) The collection of work injury insurance premiums shall be in accordance with the State Council’s “Social Insurance.”
欧洲单板业正面临重要变化。从Interzum 2009展览会显示的趋势看,原料单板(raw veneer)交易肯定将消失,员工人数和生产能力将下降,标准尺寸范围扩大将是行业生存的先决条件。
The available expressions for the effective vis-cosity can not provide good predictions compared with the experiment data measured in the semi-dilute shear flow
编辑同志: 《道路交通安全法》实施以来,行人与机动车之间的交通事故有上升的趋势,体现在行人横穿道路时不守规定,行人把责任推给司机的同时,却把悲伤留给自己。 应该说,法
为了贯彻落实《国务院关于进一步推进相 对集中行政处罚权工作的决定》(以下简称国务 In order to implement the “Decision of the State Council on Further Promoting
With the rapid increase of number and types of Low Earth Orbit (LEO) and Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) spacecrafts in China, the insufficiency of TT&C resources is e