
来源 :上海教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:houyangpeng
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由《上海教育》编辑部和闵行区教育局联合主办的“闵行杯——我心目中的21世纪学校”征文活动,历时半年有余,终于圆满结束了。这次征文活动.共收到一万余篇征文。作者们以对教育零距离的亲身感受.并通过合理的想像,从21世纪学校应该有怎样的校长、怎样的老师、怎样的学生集体、怎样的师生关系、怎样的课程教材和怎样的硬件设施等不同的侧面.为我们勾勒出了21世纪学校的基本轮廓。这一篇篇情真意切的文章.成为我们认识和了解当前中小学教育现状的一面镜子.为我们提出了未来教育发展的新观念。多少年来,教育改革一直是成人思考的事.如今,通过这次征文活动,我们可喜地看到有那么多的学生也在热切地关心教育,思考教育。这为我们广大的教育工作者提供了一种用独特的视角和平等的身份走进学生多彩心灵的机会,也为学生之间架起了一座沟通心灵的桥梁。有鉴于此,我们从中选登了部分征文,以飨广大读者。 The “Minghang Cup—21st Century School in My Eyes” essay, co-sponsored by the “Shanghai Education” Editorial Department and the Minhang District Education Bureau, took more than half a year and finally came to a successful conclusion. The essay campaign received more than 10,000 essays. The authors took a zero-distance personal experience of education. Through reasonable imagination, what kinds of principals, teachers, student groups, teacher-student relationship, curriculum materials, and hardware from the 21st century schools should be? The different sides of the facilities, etc., outline the basic outline of the 21st century school. This article, which is really affectionate, has become a mirror for us to understand and understand the current state of education in primary and secondary schools. We have proposed a new concept for future education development. For many years, education reform has always been a matter of adult thinking. Today, through this essay campaign, we are gratified to see that so many students are also eagerly concerned about education and thinking about education. This has provided our broad educational workers with the opportunity to enter the students’ colorful hearts with a unique perspective and equal status. It also provides a bridge between the students for communication. In view of this, we have selected some of the essays from among the readers.
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