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《文艺战线上的一场大辩论》是周扬为总结文艺界的反右、斗争所写的一篇长文,毛泽东作过很多重要修改。今天看来,该文很“左”,很粗暴,错误地点了许多文化人的名字。于是,在编辑《周扬文集》时就出现了争论。一种意见是不收,理由是,当年受到不公正待遇的同志已经平反,把这些旧账再翻腾出来,恐不利于团结;另一种意见是,应该实事求是地作些说明,为了保存历史的真实,纠正历史错误,总结历史经验教训,应该收。周扬本人赞同后一种观点,但是,最终还是没 “A big debate on the art and literature front” is a long article written by Zhou Yang in summing up the anti-right and struggle struggle in the literary and art circles. Mao Zedong made many important revisions. Today it seems that the article is very “left”, very rude and misnamed many cultural people. So, when editing “Zhou Yang anthology” appeared when the debate. One opinion is that it is not accepted on the ground that the comrades who were unfairly treated in the past have already reversed their regrets and reemerged these old ones in fear of deconsolidating unity. Another view is that they should give some explanations based on facts, in order to preserve the truth of history , Correct historical mistakes, summarize historical experiences and lessons, and should receive. Zhou Yang I agree with the latter point of view, but in the end did not
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文章从机能,技术等角度,详细阐述了二胡练习的要点和重点。无论是对于初学二胡还是已经在学习上想提高的朋友们,都是很好的梳理和提高。 The article elaborates the points
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