
来源 :辽宁林业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mldn
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为了早日消灭松干蚧的危害,保护森林资源,促进我省林业建设的发展,在积极开展营林、化学药剂等防治的同时,利用生物天敌防治也是重要的一环。近两年来我们与有关教学、生产单位的师生、工人、干部一起在松干蚧天敌试验研究方面做了一些工作,初步总结如下:一、松干蚧的天敌调查为了了解松干蚧天敌的种类、数量和分布,天敌与松干蚧发生的消长关系,以及化学药剂防治对生物天敌的影响等问题,除在日常工作中注意观察搜集松干蚧的天敌外,七五年在辽阳市小屯公社,南雪梅大队南山,七六年在辽阳市铧子林场场部及水库工区的油松林中,进行了标准地调查。首先通过50~100株标准木的天敌种类及数量的普查,然后又在其中选出3~5株标准树进行详查,先检查枝、叶、干、根际部的天敌后,将其伐倒仔细调查记载,统计天敌的种类、虫态、数量和部位等。调查结果见下表。(表1、2) In order to exterminate the harm of pine and kestrel at an early date, protect forest resources and promote the development of forestry in our province, it is also an important part to take advantage of the control of biological natural enemies while vigorously preventing and controlling forestation, chemical agents and the like. In the past two years, we have done some work with the teachers, students, cadres and cadres of the teaching and production units on the experimental study of natural enemies of Tricholoma matsutake. The preliminary conclusions are as follows: First, the investigation of natural enemies of Tricholoma matsutake To understand the species, quantity and distribution of natural enemies, Natural enemies and Songkrania occurrence and growth of the relationship between the growth and decline, and the chemical control of biological predators and other issues, in addition to their daily work to observe the natural enemies to collect Songko scale, 75 years in Liaoyang City Xiaotun commune, Nanxuemei Nanshan, seven Six years in Liaowa City Hua Zi farm field and reservoir area pine forest, conducted a standard survey. First of all, 50 to 100 standard wood natural enemies by species and quantity survey, and then selected among them 3 to 5 standard trees for detailed investigation, first check the branches, leaves, stems and rhizosphere of natural enemies, its cutting Down careful investigation records, statistics of natural enemies of the species, insect state, the number and location. The survey results in the table below. (Table 1, 2)
六星黑点蠹蛾Zeuzera leuconotum Butler群众也叫枣树截杆虫,主要为害枣树。据初步调查,在晋县、赵县、束鹿等县枣树上均有发生。严重地块枣头被害率达64%,部分单株枣头被害
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