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我的老师,一位老教授、老学者,在离休后,仍然孜孜不倦地继续着自己的研究,以十多年默默无闻的功夫,陆续在中华书局等权威出版社出版了古代某著名诗人的诗文笺注、年谱、评传等系列著作,仅《笺注》就有近百万字,征引宏富,评断恰切,可以说在这个领域是毫无愧色的领先水平。鉴于他的精神和成就,有人提议给他开个学术研讨会,他却笑着说:“你的提议,我只能说四个字:不合时宜。” My teacher, an old professor and an old scholar continued his research tirelessly after retiring. After more than ten years of unknown effort, he successively published the poems of some famous poet in ancient China, such as Zhonghua Publishing House Notes, Chronicle, commentaries and other series of writings, only “Notes” there are nearly a million words, cited Hong Fu, judging appropriate, it can be said in this area is the unspeakable leader. In view of his spirit and achievements, some people suggested that he be given a seminar, but he smiled and said: “Your proposal, I can only say four words: out of date.”
In this Glossary,selected terms and concepts associated with submarine fans are defined. In this Glossary, selected terms and concepts associated with submarin
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The plasma transferred arc(PTA) forming remanufacturing technology was introduced in this paper. This technology includes plasma surfacing, deposition and rapid
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Screw failure is one of the main scrap forms for rear axle tube, and thread turning after surfacing is a common means of remanufacturing. This paper takes rear