
来源 :国外地质勘探技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:szhzm4158
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苏联是从1960年开始发展金刚石钻进的,并于同年研制成功人造金刚石,1962年工业性投产。1967年年产600万克拉,1970年达1200万克拉,产量居世界第二位。五十年代末发现了雅库特金刚石矿,加上人造金刚石工业生产,使得在金刚石应用方面以很短时间超过了英、日、法和西德等工业发达国家。 1957年,苏联首次用国产金刚石进行地质勘探,钻头型号为型。1959—1961 The Soviet Union started diamond drilling in 1960 and successfully developed synthetic diamond in the same year. It was put into operation in 1962. The annual output of 6 million carats in 1967 and 12 million carats in 1970 is the second highest in the world. The discovery of Yakutia diamond mines in the late 1950s and the industrial production of synthetic diamonds made it more successful in diamond applications than developed countries such as Britain, Japan, France and West Germany in diamond applications. In 1957, the Soviet Union made the first geological exploration using domestic diamonds with a drill model of type. 1959-1961
第五届欧洲机床展览会(简称 5EMO)于1983年6月在巴黎举行。参加展出的国家和地区有32个,展出厂商共1492家,展出面积108410平方米,参观者约15万。 纵观全部展出机床,数控机床
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