立足中国改革开放 关注世界经济发展——“中国在世界经济中的地位和作用”国际学术研讨会综述

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自从本刊编辑出版了“世纪之交经济大事评述”以来,得到了广大读者的关注和支持。为此,在听取了各方面的意见和建议的基础上,我们邀请“世界经济与中国”研究组继续开展了这项研究和编撰工作。“聚焦与评述2003年世界经济大事回眸”的编撰,参照了国际组织以及国内外政府部门、新闻单位和研究机构的信息资料及评选意见,尽可能保证入选条目的“公正性”和“可信性”,力求比较准确地为读者提供一份学习研究的基础资料,以便读者准确地把握世界经济发展进程中的大体脉络——现状、特点和趋势;了解中国在世界经济中的地位以及我国所处的国际经济环境。伴随着新世纪的脚步,“世界经济大事聚焦与评述”连续刊载了四个专辑,已成为本刊的特色之一,并形成了广泛的读者群。尽管如此,这项工作仍有许多需要完善的地方,恳请读者及时地反馈意见和建议,我们将吸取各个方面的精华,更好地耕耘这块园地。 Since the editorials and publication of the “Economic Review of the turn of the century”, has been the majority of readers attention and support. To this end, based on the opinions and suggestions of all parties, we invited the “World Economy and China” Research Group to continue this research and compilation. Focusing on and Commenting on the Review of World Economic Events in 2003, the reference to the information materials and opinions of international organizations, domestic and foreign government departments, news agencies and research institutes, and ensuring the “fairness” and “credible” And strive to provide readers with a basic source of study and research so that readers can accurately grasp the general context of the development of the world economy - status quo, characteristics and trends; to understand China’s position in the world economy and our country International economic environment. Accompanying the pace of the new century, the publication of four albums in a row, focusing on and reviewing the world’s major economic events, has become one of the features of this magazine and has formed a broad readership. In spite of this, there are still many areas for improvement in this work. I urge readers to timely give feedback and suggestions. We will draw on the best of all fields to better cultivate this area.
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