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主持人语:当你发现医改和你的利益息息相关的时候,你也许会问,医改,究竟改什么?医改,会给我们带来什么好处?医改后,我们怎么看病?此期特别策划,围绕医改这个主题,刊出“三项改革”究竟是什么、医改20问、药价“虚高”知多少、国外的典型经验等一系列的文章,让更多的人了解医改。让我们用一颗公证、客观的心去参与医改,做我们所能做的,让医改这座大厦尽快竣工,在风雨来临的时候,它可以是一个避风的港湾。今年“三项改革”总的要求是:职工基本医疗保险制度改革要按照“完善政策,稳步扩面,提高素质,狠抓管理”的工作思路,实现覆盖人数达到100万人的目标;医疗卫生体制改革要按照“整体推进,突出重点,加快步伐,强化服务”的工作思路,在医疗机构分类管理和深化改革、药品集中招标采购和扭转“以药养医”机制等方面取得实质性突破;药品生产流通体制要按照“健全机制,强化监管,规范市场,提高质量”的工作思路,建立完善的兵团药品监督管理体系。各师、各部门要按照这样的总要求,以向广大职工群众高度负责和时不我待的积极态度,振奋精神,知难而进,统筹规划,努力工作,加快“三项改革”的步伐。——摘自张庆黎同志在兵团职工基本医疗保险制度和医药卫生体制改革工作会议上的讲话 Moderator: When you find that medical reform and your interests are closely related, you may ask, medical reform, what changed? Medical reform, will bring us what benefits? After the medical reform, how do we see a doctor? This special planning, around Medical reform this topic, published “What is the” three reforms “, medical reform 20 questions, drug prices,” virtual high “knowledge, a series of articles such as the typical experience of foreign countries, so that more people understand the medical reform. Let us use a notary and objective mind to participate in health care reform so that we can do what we can to make this building completed as soon as possible. It can be a sheltered harbor during a storm. The overall requirement of this year’s ”three reforms“ is that the reform of the basic medical insurance system for workers and staff members should follow the working principle of ”perfecting policies, steadily expanding production, improving quality and paying close attention to management“ so as to achieve the goal of covering 1 million people Goal; medical and health system reform in accordance with the ”whole to promote, focus, accelerate the pace, strengthen service “ work train of thought in the classification and management of medical institutions and deepen reform, centralized drug bidding and purchasing Mechanism and other aspects to achieve substantial breakthroughs; drug production and distribution system should be in accordance with ”sound mechanism, strengthen supervision, standardize the market, improve quality “ work train of thought, establish and improve the Corps drug supervision and management system. In accordance with such general requirements, all divisions and departments should, in order to inspire the majority of the workers and staff members who are highly responsible and do not wait for the next move, inspire their spirits and work hard to work hard to speed up the pace of the ”three reforms." --Excerpt from Comrade Zhang Qingli’s speech on the work conference of the Corps’ basic medical insurance system and the medical and health system reform conference
目的:分析社区护理实施于晚期癌症患者护理中的效果.方法:分析对象选择于2018 .8~2019 .8期间我院门诊部接收的晚期癌症患者36例,抽签方法进行分组分析,18例实施社区人文关怀
目的:分析心理护理干预对脑震荡患者焦虑抑郁综合征的干预效果.方法:选取2017年4月 ~2018年9月我院收治的脑震荡焦虑抑郁综合征患者85例为研究对象,随机摸球法分为对照组42例,