Combination of selective anterior and posterior rhizotomy with orthomorphy stage II in treating seve

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Objective To study the general design and practice instages of the treatment of severe cerebral palsy with the combination of selective anterior and posterior rhizotomy with orthomorphy stage II of the lower extremities. Method To evaluate the disability of the cases, calculate the expectant value and design rehabilitation program in stages before selective anterior and posterior rhizotomy orthomorphy, force line recovering , extremities banlancing, joints stabilization and muscle force rebuilding. Result After treatment in stages the 15 children of cerebral palsy could walk without support. Conclusion It’s most important to practice the combination of the operations in order in rehabilitation of children’s severe cerebral palsy. Objective To study the general design and practice instages of the treatment of severe cerebral palsy with the combination of selective anterior and posterior rhizotomy with orthomorphy stage II of the lower extremities. Method To evaluate the disability of the cases, calculate the expectant value and design rehabilitation program in stages before selective anterior and posterior rhizotomy orthomorphy, force line recovering, extremities banlancing, joints stabilization and muscle force rebuilding. Result After treatment in stages the 15 children of cerebral palsy could walk without support. Conclusion It’s most important to practice the combination of the operations in order in rehabilitation of children’s severe cerebral palsy.
(2 0 0 0年 1 2月 1 4日通过 )桑国卫同志简介桑国卫 男 ,1 941年 1 1月生 ,汉族 ,浙江人。硕士学位。 1 996年 1 1月加入本党。 1 96 6年上海第一医学院研究生毕业 ,1 96 6
摘要:离退休管理工作是企业能否兴旺发达的晴雨表,一个朝气蓬勃的企业必然在离退休管理工作上呈现出欣欣向荣的景象,反之,一个死气沉沉的企业必然不能做好离退休管理工作。要以满腔的热情开展离退休管理工作,心甘情愿地为老同志服务,更要全面增强自己的业务素质,以娴熟精湛的技艺为老同志服务。围绕供电企业离退休管理工作必须坚持的原则、必须发挥的作用、必须做好的工作三个方面予以阐述。  关键词:供电企业;离退休管理
A circular seam cooling nozzle and its online control system have been developed to reduce the center segregation in high carbon steel billets by decreasing the
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