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历史学家认为,杰出的政治家能叱咤风云,左右一个国家、甚至整个世界的命运;而对政治家功过是非的评述,则是历史学家的职责。对各个政治人物、各种政治事件要作出全面公正的、符合历史原貌的评价,就要靠保存在档案馆内的档案文件,因为档案是反映历史真实面貌的记录,是解释和研究各种历史事件的第一手资料。美国第32届总统富兰克林·D·罗斯福就是认识到档案对历史和社会的重要作用的伟大人物,由于他对档案工作的关心与支持,美国档案事业的发展从此进入了一个崭新的阶段。 随着工业和高科技的高度发展,目前美国的档案工作,无论是档案馆的宏伟建筑、馆藏数量、经费,还是库房的自动化管理、计算机应用等方面,在国际档案界都名列前茅,有许多值得各国档案工作者学习和借鉴的地方。但是在200多年的建国史中,美国社会真正重视档案工作还是在1934年美国国家档案馆建立之后。 Historians think that an outstanding politician can dominate the fate of one country or even the entire world. And it is the historian’s responsibility to make a meritorious comment on statesman. To all political figures, all kinds of political events to make a comprehensive and fair, in line with the original assessment of the history, we must rely on archives kept in the archives, because the archives is a record of the true history of the history is to explain and study various historical First-hand information on the incident. The 32nd president of the United States, Franklin D. Roosevelt, was a great man who recognized the important role of archives in history and society. Due to his concern and support for archival work, the development of the archives in the United States has now entered a brand-new stage. With the rapid development of industry and high technology, there is much worth in archival work in the United States nowadays, whether it is the magnificent archives building, the number of collections, the funds, the automated management of warehouses, computer applications, etc. Where archivists learn and learn from each other. However, in the founding history of more than 200 years, the U.S. society really attached importance to the file work even after the establishment of the U.S. National Archives in 1934.
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