
来源 :小氮肥 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pyking2003
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《小氮肥》杂志是经原国家科委、原化工部批准,由上海化工研究院编辑出版的全国性刊物。主要报道内容有:氮肥企业的技术改造、节能降耗经验;氮肥生产中新技术、新设备、新材料的应用;化肥科研成果、生产管理以及氮肥企业开展多种经营的信息等。本刊内容可供全国从事氮肥行业的工厂、设计、科研、高等院校及各省市主管部门的技术人员和管理干部参考。 “Small nitrogen fertilizer” magazine is a national publication approved by the former State Science and Technology Commission and former Ministry of Chemical Industry and edited and published by Shanghai Institute of Chemical Industry. The main reports are: technological transformation of nitrogen fertilizer enterprises, energy saving experience; nitrogen fertilizer production of new technologies, new equipment, new materials applications; research results of chemical fertilizers, production management and nitrogen fertilizer enterprises to carry out a variety of business information. The contents of this publication for the country’s fertilizer industry in the factory, design, research, institutions of higher learning and provincial and municipal competent departments of technical personnel and management cadres for reference.
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地处辽宁东部山区的清原满族自治县,从2002年起就已围绕生态文明建设进行了初步的探讨和实践。五年来,清原人民紧紧围绕建设辽宁生态大 Qingyuan Manchu Autonomous County
截至4月27日,大庆石化公司班组一体化管理信息系统TIMS整整运行了一年。从使用效果看,这个公司炼油厂损失率、化一乙烯和丙烯收率等8项物耗指标及20套装置能耗指标 As of Ap
By using electrochemical and weight loss methods, the effect of MoO42-on the corrosion behaviors of low alloy steel was investigated in the 55%LiBr+0.07 mol/L L