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本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分;共100分,考试时间100分钟。第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共50分)一、本卷共25小题,每小题2分,共50分。在中国封建社会中,民族关系的主流是民族融合,但民族间的战争也时有发生,这客观地影响着统一多民族国家的发展。据此回答1—4题。1.为抵御匈奴南下进扰,巩固北部边防,秦朝修筑了万里长城,下列不属于秦朝延长城一线设置的“郡”是A.陇西郡 B.九原郡 C.辽东郡 D.象郡2.自汉高祖至汉元帝,西汉政府同匈奴的关系从“和亲”到军事反攻再到双方和睦相处,其发生转变的主要原因是A.匈奴单于的态度 B.西汉国力的强弱C.西汉统治者的决策 D.双方争夺重点的转移3.贞观初年,唐朝大破东突厥,降众十多万人,唐太宗对其采取了开明的政策,其中表述正确的是 This paper is divided into two parts: the first volume (multiple choice) and the second volume (non-multiple choice); 100 points in total, and the test time is 100 minutes. Volume I (Multiple-choice questions, a total of 50 points) First, the volume of a total of 25 questions, each question 2 points, a total of 50 points. In the feudal society of China, the mainstream of ethnic relations is the integration of nations, but wars between ethnic groups also occur from time to time, which objectively affects the development of a unified multi-ethnic country. Answer 1-4 questions accordingly. 1. In order to resist the invasion of the Huns to the south and consolidate the northern border defense, the Qin Dynasty built the Great Wall of China. The following “counties” that do not belong to the extension of the Qin Dynasty are “A. County”. B. Jiuyuan County C. Liaodong County D. Xiang County 2. From Han Gaozu to Han Yuandi, the relationship between the government of the Han Dynasty and the Huns changed from “harmonious” to military counterattack and to the two parties. The main reason for the change was the attitude of the A. Huns alone and the strength of the West Han. C. Decisions of the rulers of the Western Han Dynasty D. The shift in the focus of the struggle between the two parties 3. In the early years of Zhenguan, the Tang Dynasty broke the Turks and broke down more than one hundred thousand people. Tang Taizong adopted an enlightened policy. The correct statement was
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