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2015年的高考录取已经结束,人们还在关心批次控制线的变化。我们知道,批次控制分数线受高考文化成绩分布、招生计划等因素影响,相关分析如下:⒈近年的文史、理工类各批次控制线:⒉文化成绩变动情况2015年文科报名159256人,高职单招录取25932人,占文科生的16.28%;理科报名222739人,高职单招录取19747人,占理科生的8.87%。高职单独招生所录取的考生的文化成绩相对较低,这些考生没有参加高考,对平均分必然产生影响,会使平均分提高。也就是说,分析今年区分度增加的影响时,应 The entrance examination in 2015 has ended, people are still concerned about the changes in the batch control line. We know that batch control scores are affected by factors such as the distribution of entrance exam results, enrollment plans and other related factors. The related analysis is as follows: (1) Control lines of literature, history and science and technology in recent years: (2) Changes in cultural achievements In 2015, 159256 people, Single enrollment 25,932 people, accounting for 16.28% of liberal arts students; 222739 Science enrollment, college enrollment of 19747 single-strokes, accounting for 8.87% of science students. Students admitted to higher vocational education of candidates admitted to the relatively low cultural performance, these candidates did not participate in the college entrance examination, the average will inevitably have an impact, will increase the average score. In other words, when analyzing the impact of this year's increase in distinction, we should
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