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根据2014年2月至2015年5月对江苏省连云港以东海州湾南部海域共24个站点进行的4个航次的拖网渔业资源调查,对渔获物中的鱼类进行分类鉴定,分析了该海域的鱼类种类组成和资源密度时空分布情况。分析结果认为,海州湾南部连云港海域的渔获共有2纲15目47科77属98种,主要为鲈形目、鲉形目、鲽形目和鲱形目的种类,鲈形目的种类在不同季节中除了冬季外,均超过了总数的50%,不同站点的鱼类种类分布也呈现出不同的规律,但是在统计上不存在差异(ANOVA,P<0.01);每个季节的优势种均不超过4种,春季和冬季以中上层的小型鱼类为主,夏季和秋季以经济性鱼类为主,春季的重量资源密度最高,夏秋季其次,最低为冬季;而冬季的数量资源密度最高,其次为春夏季,秋季最低,相对资源密度在离岸站点和沿岸站点有所不同,但不同季节和不同站点均不存在差异。春季渔获物多样性指数最高,其次为夏秋季,冬季最低,不同站点的多样性指数不存在差异,但是不同季节对不同站点的影响存在显著差异。目前海州湾海域的渔业资源量稳定,但是捕捞过度和人为因素的影响仍在持续,今后应该继续执行休渔制度,限定最小网目,同时合理适度地开发新兴鱼种渔业,更好地保护和利用海洋生物资源。 According to the investigation of trawl fishery resources of 4 voyages from 24 stations in the southern part of Hai Zhou Bay in the east of Lianyungang, Jiangsu Province from February 2014 to May 2015, the fish in the catches were classified and identified, Fish species composition and spatial and temporal distribution of resource density in the sea area. The results showed that there were 98 species of 77 genera and 2 orders, 15 orders, 47 families and 77 orders in the sea area of ​​Lianyungang in the southern part of Haizhou Bay. The main species were perciformes, clams, clams and herrings, The seasons were more than 50% of the total except winter, and the distribution of fish species also showed different patterns at different sites, but there was no statistical difference (ANOVA, P <0.01). The dominant species in each season No more than 4 species, mainly mid- and small-sized fish in spring and winter, economically significant species in summer and autumn, highest in spring, followed by summer and autumn, and lowest in winter; Highest in spring and summer, lowest in autumn and relative resource density in offshore and coastal sites. However, there were no differences in different seasons and in different sites. The diversity index of spring catch was the highest in spring, followed by summer and autumn, the lowest in winter and no difference in diversity indices at different sites, but there were significant differences in different seasons. At present, the amount of fishery resources in the sea area of ​​Haizhou Bay is stable, but the impacts of overfishing and man-made factors are still continuing. In the future, the system of ending fishing moratorium should be continued, the minimum netting should be limited, and the fisheries of emerging species should be reasonably and properly developed to better protect and Use of marine living resources.
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