Non-coding landscapes of colorectal cancer

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hongwei3330857
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For two decades Vogelstein’s model has been theparadigm for describing the sequence of molecular changes within protein-coding genes that would lead to overt colorectal cancer(CRC). This model is now too simplistic in the light of recent studies, which have shown that our genome is pervasively transcribed in RNAs other than m RNAs, denominated non-coding RNAs(nc RNAs). The discovery that mutations in genes encoding these RNAs [i.e., micro RNAs(mi RNAs), long non-coding RNAs, and circular RNAs] are causally involved in cancer phenotypes has profoundly modified our vision of tumour molecular genetics and pathobiology. By exploiting a wide range of different mechanisms, nc RNAs control fundamental cellular processes, such as proliferation, differentiation, migration, angiogenesis and apoptosis: these data have also confirmed their role as oncogenes or tumor suppressors in cancer development and progression. The existence of a sophisticated RNA-based regulatory system, which dictates the correct functioning of protein-coding networks, has relevant biological and biomedical consequences. Different mi RNAs involved in neoplastic and degenerative diseases exhibit potential predictive and prognostic properties. Furthermore, the key roles of nc RNAs make them very attractive targets for innovative therapeutic approaches. Several recent reports have shown that nc RNAs can be secreted by cells into the extracellular environment(i.e., blood and other body fluids): this suggests the existence of extracellular signalling mechanisms, which may be exploited by cells in physiology and pathology. In this review, we will summarize the most relevant issues on the involvement of cellular and extracellular nc RNAs in disease. We will then specifically describe their involvement in CRC pathobiology and their translational applications to CRC diagnosis, prognosis and therapy. For two decades Vogelstein’s model has been theparadigm for describing the sequence of molecular changes within protein-coding genes that would lead to overt colorectal cancer (CRC). This model is now too simplistic in the light of recent studies, which have shown that our genome The discovery that the mutations in genes encoding these RNAs [ie, micro RNAs (mi RNAs), long non-coding RNAs, and circular RNAs] are pervasively transcribed in RNAs other than m RNAs, nodulated non-coding RNAs causally involved in cancer phenotypes has profoundly modified our vision of tumor spectrum molecular genetics and pathobiology. By exploiting a wide range of different mechanisms, nc RNAs control fundamental cellular processes, such as proliferation, differentiation, migration, angiogenesis and apoptosis: these data have also involved their role as oncogenes or tumor suppressors in cancer development and progression. The existence of a sophisticated RNA-based regulatory system, which dictates the c orrect functioning of protein-coding networks, has relevant biological and biomedical consequences. Different miRNAs involved in neoplastic and degenerative diseases exhibit potential predictive and prognostic properties. Several recent reports have shown that nc RNAs can be secreted by cells into the extracellular environment (ie, blood and other body fluids): this suggests the existence of extracellular signaling mechanisms, which may be exploited by cells in physiology and pathology. In this review, we will summarize the most relevant issues on the involvement of cellular and extracellular nc RNAs in disease. We will then specifically describe their involvement in CRC pathobiology and their translational applications to CRC diagnosis, prognosis and therapy.
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摘 要:在建筑项目管理工作的开展过程中,管理者不仅仅需要对结构施工、土建施工开展项目管理活动,同时还需要针对电气项目开设同样严格化的工程项目管理,消除建筑电气系统的隐患与问题,在现代建筑的电气系统建设工作中,电气施工人员也会优先选择应用一些先进的电气技术,在这些电气施工技术的影响下,项目管理工作显得更为必要,本文根据已有的项目管理工作经验,解析针对建筑电气展开的项目管理活动。  关键词:建筑电气;