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从成功的经销商的经历来看,家具行业淡季并不是没有生意可做,关键是要解决心态问题,家具毕竟是耐用消费品,消费者会经过精心比对与选择才会决定是否购买。为此,即使暂时销售量上不去,也要为旺季做好销售的铺垫工作,要主动走出去。另外,淡季是一个很好的盘点上一个旺季与准备下一个旺季的过渡阶段,为此,淡季期间的行销,是为下一阶段做准备,就必须主动争取时间淡季做好市场调查。 Judging from the successful dealer experience, the off-season furniture industry is not without business to do, the key is to solve the problem of attitude, furniture, after all, durable consumer goods, consumers will be carefully compared and choose to decide whether to buy. To this end, even if the temporary sales do not increase, but also for the season to pave the way for sales, to take the initiative to go out. In addition, the off-season is a good inventory of a peak season and prepare for the next peak season of the transitional phase, for this reason, off-season marketing is to prepare for the next phase, we must take the initiative to make time for the off-season market research.
Using the murine monoclonal antibodies against human gastric cancer cell antigens designated MG7 and MGd1, we developed a sandwich ELISA to detect the levels of
This review of recent literature presents new concepts to evaluate radiation hormesis in cancer mortality. Using these interpretations cancer mortality rates we
就目前市场担心的粮食库存不实问题,国家粮食局副局长任正晓近日坦陈,目前确实存在粮食仓库出现空仓的现象,但对当前国家粮食库存账实基本相符的可靠性仍保持信心。  他说,目前来看主要有五方面原因导致了空仓现象。  一是粮食正常流通客观上需要备有一定的周转仓容。目前粮食仓容总量增加但库存总量下降,因此就有一部分仓容暂时处于空置状态。此外,粮食有一个自然储藏期限,需要不断“推陈储新”,这样客观上就需要一部分
Between December 1979 and December 1992, 15 patients with hypopharyngeal and cervical esophageal cancer were treated surgically. Total pharyngolaryngectomy and