
来源 :注册税务师 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mcl8023
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依据国家税务总局党组《关于进一步加强注册税务师行业党的建设工作的通知》(税总党组发[2013]96号)(以下简称《通知》)的要求,2013年10月12日,中国注册税务师行业党建工作贯彻落实会议在京召开。各省(区、市)税务部门分管注税行业工作的局领导和注册税务师协会会长参加了落实会。会议由中国注册税务师协会副会长兼秘书长、中国注册税务师行业党委常务副书记李林军主持,国家税务总局副局长、中国注册税务师协会会长、中国注册税务师行业党委书记宋兰出席会议并作了题为《高度重视扎实推进开拓注册税务师行业党建工作新局面》的重要讲话。宋兰在讲话中指出,各级税务机关党组和地方协会要深刻领会王军局长的讲话精神,全面掌握《通知》提出的各 Pursuant to the requirements of the Notice of the Party Group of the State Administration of Taxation on Further Strengthening the Construction of CST Professionals (ZDZG [2013] No. 96) (hereinafter referred to as the “Circular”), on October 12, 2013, the registration of China Tax division industry party construction work to implement the meeting held in Beijing. The provincial (district, city) tax department in charge of the taxpaying industry bureau chief and the president of the Institute of Certified Tax Agents attended the implementation meeting. The meeting was chaired by Li Linjun, vice president and secretary general of the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants and executive deputy secretary of the Chinese CTA. Mr. Lan Lan, deputy director of the State Administration of Taxation, president of the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants and secretary of the Party Committee of China’s CTA, The meeting also made an important speech titled “Attaching Great Importance to Promoting the New Situation of Party Building in CST Industry”. Song Lan pointed out in his speech that the party organizations at all levels of taxation authorities and local associations should profoundly understand the spirit of the speech of Secretary Wang Jun and fully grasp the
文明从结构学角度考察是一种独特的物质和精神结构 ;从功能学角度考察是人的一种生存样态 ;从发生学角度考察是人的尊严和价值得到等值尊重 ,人的本质得到越来越全面和丰富的
【摘 要】 现代市场经济体制下,税收,仍然是国家财政收入的重要形式。税收成本是税款征缴实施过程中所付出的代价总和。征税成本是政府为取得税收收入而支付的各种费用。当前形势下,科学分析我国税务管理过程中出现的征税成本畸高现象,探究降低征税成本的控制措施,是保障我国税务工作科学运行和发展的重要举措。  【关键词】 税务管理 征税成本 控制策略  Abstract : Under the current