荣获全国优秀公安局称号的淄博市公安局淄川分局,是一个“藏龙卧虎”之地,这里的干警个个龙腾虎跃。刑警大队副队长鞠俊瑞便是其中的一个。鞠俊瑞身材瘦小、精干,往人群里一站极不起眼,可就是这个普通的不能再普通的民警在淄川写下一个又一个传奇故事。他先后被评为全国卫国卫民英雄、全国先进工作者、全国优秀军转干部、中国十大杰出民警,并被选为八届全国人大代表。这位公安战线英雄的经历其实并无传奇色彩。幼年的鞠俊瑞生活在山东费县,至今城北东洲疃村的老人们对当年那个善识水性的“刺八头”仍记忆犹新。鞠俊瑞的水性好、武功更好,这为他日后参军入警、降伏罪犯奠定下了基础。 1974年,鞠俊瑞报名参了军,部队把他分到侦察连,鞠俊瑞如鱼得水.在训练中,摸爬滚打,一身汗水一身泥,锻就出一身硬功夫。擒拿格斗,驾驶射击,十八般武艺,样样精通。在部
Won the National Outstanding Public Security Bureau of Zibo City Public Security Bureau Zichuan Branch, is a “Canglongwohu” place, where the officers and men of all Longtenghuyue. Ju Jurui, vice captain of Interpol, is one of them. Ju Chunrui thin, lean, to the crowd in a very humble, but it is this ordinary can no longer be ordinary police in Zichuan wrote one after another legend. He has been successively honored as the hero of We guarding the nation, the advanced worker of the whole country, the cadre of outstanding military cadres in the country, the top ten outstanding civilian police officers in China and was elected as the representative of the Eighth NPC. The heroic experience of the public security front is not legendary. Ju Ju-ju juvenile lives in Fei County, Shandong Province, so far the old people in the village of Tung Chau in the north of the city of that kind of knowledge of water-based “sting eight ” still fresh in my memory. Ju Junrui’s water is good, martial arts better, which laid the foundation for his future army into the police, drop criminals. In 1974, Ju Junrui enrolled in the army, the troops assigned him to the reconnaissance company, Ju Juirui duckweed in training, fought, a sweat mud, forged a hard work out. Capture and fight, driving shots, eighteen martial arts, everything proficient. In the ministry