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致伦敦残疾人奥林匹克运动会中国代表团誓师大会的一封信中国残奥代表团全体同志们:还有8天,我们将在大洋彼岸美丽的伦敦,与166个国家和地区的运动员相聚,迎来4年一度盛大的节日,我们又能见到老朋友并结识许多新伙伴,令人多么期望和幸福啊。 Letter to the Paralympic Committee of the Paralympic Games of London Paralympic Games: All Comrades from the Paralympic Delegation of China: In the next eight days, we will meet with athletes from 166 countries and regions in beautiful London on the other side of the oceans What an expectation and happiness we have once again seen in the grand festival of 4 years, when we meet old friends and get acquainted with many new partners.
Demand of improving the mechanical properties and productivity of automotive components while minimizing environmental impact makes the development of special s