
来源 :鲁迅研究月刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bltong861
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1952年11月19日,胡适于去国三年半后首次回到台湾,做了为时两个月的紧张、忙碌的访问。这期间,时任台湾省教育厅督学的杨日旭①,受厅长陈雪屏的委派,担任胡适的临时秘书,负责胡适的“日程安排、覆信及陪同访问、演讲”等事宜②。也因这段机缘,胡、杨之间建立了深厚的忘年情谊,并有了颇为频密的交往,成为胡适晚年交往的一个组成部分。但这段交往已鲜为人知。2013年10月,笔者到高雄专访了杨日旭教授。杨教授回顾了与胡适交往的点点滴 On November 19, 1952, Hu Shih returned to Taiwan for the first time in three and a half years after going abroad and made a tense and busy two-month visit. During this period, Yang Rixu, the governor of Taiwan’s Department of Education, was commissioned by Director Chen Xueping to serve as interim secretary of Hu Shih and was responsible for Hu Shi’s “schedule, cover letter and accompanying visits, lectures” and other issues. As a result of this opportunity, Hu and Yang have established a profound friendship between themselves and their friends. They have enjoyed frequent contacts and become an integral part of his social interaction in his later years. But this deal has been little-known. In October 2013, I went to Kaohsiung to interview Professor Yang Ri Xu. Professor Yang recalled a little bit of interaction with Hu Shih