Preparation and Properties of Nano-SiO_2/TDE-85/BMI/BAD Cy Composites

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:teamster
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A new type of the nanometer particles and epoxy/bismaleimide-triazine nanocomposites were prepared using a nanometer silica (nano-SiO2), a 4,5-epoxycyclohexane 1,2-dicarboxylic acid dilycidyl (TDE-85) epoxy resin, a 4,4’-bismaleimidodiphenymethane (BMI) and a bisphenol a dicyanate (BADCy). The properties of nano-SiO2/TDE-85/BMI/BADCy composites, such as mechanical and thermal properties, were systemically investigated in detail by mechanical measurement, scanning electron microscope (SEM), dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The experimental results showed that the addition of the appropriate amount of nano-SiO2 could improve the impact strength and the flexural strength of the nano-SiO2/TDE-85/BMI/BADCy composites. Simultaneously, the thermal stability of the blends was found to be higher than that of the TDE-85/BMI/BADCy copolymers. A new type of the nanometer particles and epoxy / bismaleimide-triazine nanocomposites were prepared using a nanometer silica (nano-SiO2), a 4,5-epoxycyclohexane 1,2- dicarboxylic acid dilycidyl (TDE-85) 4’-bismaleimidodiphenymethane (BMI) and a bisphenol a dicyanate (BADCy). The properties of nano-SiO2 / TDE-85 / BMI / BADCy composites, such as mechanical and thermal properties, were systemically investigated in detail by mechanical measurement, The experimental results showed that the addition of the appropriate amount of nano-SiO2 could improve the impact strength and the flexural strength of the nano-SiO2 / TDE- 85 / BMI / BADCy composites. Simultaneously, the thermal stability of the blends was found to be higher than that of the TDE-85 / BMI / BADCy copolymers.
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