十集大型文献纪录片 见证三峡

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凌空绝壁,狂放水流,在这里碰撞出长江最伟大的乐章——三峡。惊涛裂岸,魂系高峡平湖。运筹帷幄,惊天壮举,千古一坝,横空出世。古老的迁徙主题再次被子孙们重温,百万移民辉映山河巨变,每一个脚步都载入历史的宏篇。江水漫拥的城市,没入水下的田园,阵痛和机遇同时降临。在大裂变的奋争中,呈现的是凤凰涅槃和绝地再生的故事。千峰万壑间,文明的曙光驱散黑暗,民族的血性世代延伸。废墟下失落的文明,在探寻者的目光下复活。人类与自然的真诚对话,处处体现天人合一的和谐理念。当年的天堑绝地,如今已变为通途,神女无恙,人潮依旧。175米水位线,已经超越了世界的想象。十四个春秋,激荡着千古回音,世纪绝唱。祖先漫长的史诗,融入峡谷中的现代交响世界的眼中,这里青山依旧,绿水悠长。中国的眼中,却是生活的奇迹。十集大型文献纪录片《见证三峡》,在三峡大坝完工之际隆重推出了。在历时两 Sprawling cliffs, wild water, where the collision of the greatest movement of the Yangtze River - the Three Gorges. Jingruo shore, the soul of high Gap Pinghu. Strategizing, shaking feat, a dam, turned out. The theme of ancient migration once again be revisited by their children and grandchildren, millions of immigrants reflect the tremendous changes, every step is loaded with a macro chapter of history. River flood city, into the water of the pastoral, pain and opportunity come at the same time. In the fission struggle, the story of the Phoenix Nirvana and Jedi regeneration is presented. Between thousands of peaks, the dawn of civilization to disperse the dark, ethnic bloody extension. The lost civilization under the rubble revives under the eyes of the seeker. The sincere dialogue between mankind and nature embodies the harmonious concept of harmony between heaven and man. The natural day of the Jedi, now has become thoroughfare, goddess intact, the crowd still. 175 meters water line, beyond the imagination of the world. Fourteen Spring and Autumn, stirring the echoes of the eternity, the century swan song. The long ancestral epic, into the gorge in the eyes of the modern symphony of the world, where the Castle Peak still, green water long. China’s eyes, it is a miracle of life. Ten sets of large documentary documentary “Witness the Three Gorges” was grandly launched on completion of the Three Gorges Dam. In the lasted two
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