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【正】 党的十三大报告中指出:“从根本上说,科技的发展,经济的振兴,乃至整个社会的进步,都取决于劳动者素质的提高和大量合格劳动者的培养。”为了尽快地提高劳动者素质,促
For kidney transplant recipients,immunosuppression commonly consists of combination treatment with a calcineurin inhibitor,an antiproliferative agent and a cort
【正】 “课堂社会”的复杂性是每一位教师不可能没有体验或不可能不觉察到的。也许正是这种伤脑筋的复杂性使某些教师采取尽可能简化些的手段,比如说:把精力多化在完善传授
The risk of contrast-induced nephropathy(CIN)in renal transplant recipients is increased in diabetics,patients with impaired basal kidney function,patients in s
About 10%of all renal allografts fail during the first year of transplantation and thereafter approximately 3%-5%yearly.Given that approximately 69 400 renal tr
【正】 学生的注意力越集中,教学效果就越好。所以注意是搞好学习,掌握知识的必要条件。俄国教育家乌申斯基曾经形象地把注意称之为“知识的门户”。一个教师如果不能控制学
Interleukin-10(IL-10),a cytokine with anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory functions,regulates the biology of B and T cells.The present review describes the r
【正】 近几年来,教学改革和教学实验出现了“百花齐放,争奇夺艳”的繁荣景象。教不师单纯是教学者,而且巳成为教改的实验者。我们也清醒地认识到,要培养能够独立思考、独立
Intestinal failure can be defined as the critical reduction of functional gut mass below the minimal amount necessary for adequate digestion and absorption to s