White spot syndrome virus inactivation study by using gamma irradiation

来源 :Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Windows365666151
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The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of gamma irradiation on white spot syndrome virus(WSSV). White spot syndrome virus is a pathogen of major economic importance in cultured penaeid shrimp industries. White spot disease can cause mortalities reaching 100% within 3–10 days of gross signs appearing. During the period of culture, immunostimulant agents and vaccines may provide potential methods to protect shrimps from opportunistic and pathogenic microrganisms. In this study, firstly, WSSV was isolated from infected shrimp and then multiplied in crayfish. WSSV was purified from the infected crayfish haemolymph by sucrose gradient and confirmed by transmission electron microscopy. In vivo virus titration was performed in shrimp, Penaeus semisulcatus. The LD50 of live virus stock was calculated 10 5.4 /mL. Shrimp post-larvae(1–2 g) were treated with gamma-irradiated(different doses) WSSV(10 0 to 10-4 dilutions) for a period of 10 days. The dose/survival curve for irradiated and un-irradiated WSSV was drawn; the optimum dose range for inactivation of WSSV and unaltered antigenicity was obtained 14–15 kGy. This preliminary information suggests that shrimp appear to benefit from treatment with gammairradiated WSSV especially at 14–15 KGy. White spot disease can cause mortalities reaching 100% within 3- During the period of culture, immunostimulant agents and vaccines may provide potential methods to protect shrimps from opportunistic and pathogenic microrganisms. In this study, firstly, WSSV was isolated from infected shrimp and then multiplied in crayfish. WSSV was purified from the infected crayfish haemolymph by sucrose gradient and confirmed by transmission electron microscopy. In vivo virus titration was performed in shrimp, Penaeus semisulcatus. The LD50 of live virus stock was calculated 10 5.4 / mL. Shrimp post-larvae (1-2 g ) were treated with gamma-irradiated (different doses) WSSV (10 0 to 10-4 dilutions) for a period of 10 days. The dose / survival curve for i This preliminary information suggests that shrimp appear to benefit from treatment with gamma irradiated WSSV especially at 14-15 KGy.
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