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阅读下面的文字,按要求作文。某大公司准备以高薪雇用一名小车司机,经过层层筛选和考试之后,只剩下三名技术最优良的竞争者。主考者问他们:“悬崖边有块金子,你们开着车去拿,觉得能距离悬崖多近而又不至于掉落呢?”“二公尺。”第一位说。“半公尺。”第二位很有把握地说。“我会尽量远离悬崖,愈远愈好。”第三位说。结果这家公司录取了第三位。原因是安全第一,应该拒绝诱惑。有趣的是另外一个公司招聘市场业务员,出了同样一个题目,回答远离悬崖的人落选了。理由是这种诱惑是一种机遇,应该抓住。请以“面对诱惑”为话题写一篇作文。自选角度,自选体裁,自拟题目,不少于600字。 Read the following text and write as required. A large company is preparing to hire a taxi driver at a high salary. After a series of screening and examinations, only three of the best technical competitors are left. The examiner asked them, “There is a block of gold on the cliff. You drive in the car and you feel that you can get closer to the cliff without falling off.” “Two meters.” The first said. “Half-meter.” The second said with certainty. “I will try to stay away from the cliff. The farther the better,” said the third. As a result, the company admitted third place. The reason is safety first, and temptation should be rejected. What is interesting is that another company recruits market salesmen and puts out the same question, answering the person who is far from the cliff. The reason is that this temptation is an opportunity that should be seized. Please write an essay on the topic of “face to temptation”. From the perspective of self-selection, self-selected genre, self-designed topics, not less than 600 words.
西南交大的研究生以“天府之国的心脏的景观调治”为题参加了世界景观联盟(IFLA)举办的世界景观专业大学生国际竞赛。哪里是天府之国的心脏?都江堰。 Postgraduates of Sout
读三年级时的一个星期三,我们班的黄非带来了一本书,名叫《小学生之友》。因为这本书我没有看过,所以我决定一下课就去问他借。 On a Wednesday in the third grade, Huang
子夜清时,匀如池水的夜静谧地等待着,悄悄拍了拍,知道小女儿这回真的睡熟了。   蹑脚摸索,漆黑不见门壁。摸索着突然踢了椅子一下,轰隆砰然的炸响惊得自己晕眩了刹那。屏息听听,暗幕中流响着母亲女儿的细微鼾息--心中松了一下。   摸至椅子坐下,先静静停了一停。   读书么?没有一个读的方向。   写么?不。   清冷四合。肌肤上滑着一丝触觉,清晰而神秘。我突然觉察到今夜的心境,浮凸微明的窗棂
放学回家后,我把毽子坏了的事情告诉了姥爷。姥爷温和地说:“没关系!毽子坏了,我给你修。”姥爷把毽子拿过来,仔细地看了看,然后就细心地用万能胶 After returning home fro
本文介绍了将一个十进制数转换成十以内的任意进制数的方法,且对一般书上使用的通用程序作了进一步的改进。 This article introduced the method of converting a decimal
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