Increased expression of fascin associated with malignant transformation of sinonasal inverted papill

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Background Fascin,an actin binding protein,usually expressed at a low level in normal epithelium,but is significantlyincreased in transformed epithelial cells and several common carcinomas.In this study,we examined the expression offascin by immunohistochemistry in sinonasal epithelium with chronic inflammation (control group),exophytic papilloma(EP),inverted papilloma (IP) with dysplasia and cancerated IP (including carcinoma in situ and invasive squamous cellcarcinoma,SCC),and furthermore investigated the relationship between fascin expression and formation of malignant IP.Methods Fascin expression was immunohistochemically detected using monoclonal antibody against fascin in 86paraffin embedded tissues,including 10 cases of sinonasal mucosa with chronic inflammation,10 of EP,45 of IP withdysplasia (45 cases were divided into three groups:IP with mild dysplasia,IP with moderate dysplasia,and IP withsevere dysplasia,15 cases each),and 21 of cancerated IP.Results The level of fascin expression was significantly higher in the neoplastic tissue than that in control group.Fascinexpression increased gradually with the progression from sinonasal epithelium with chronic inflammation,IP with milddysplasia,IP with moderate dysplasia,IP with severe dysplasia,to cancerated IP,and significant difference of fascinexpression was observed between any two groups of the five.Conclusion Precancerous lesions of IP exhibit elevated levels of fascin that may be associated with carcinogenesis ofIP.Fascin may play a role in the formation of IP and EP.Chin Med J 2007;120(5):375-379 Background Fascin, an actin binding protein, usually expressed at a low level in normal epithelium, but is significantly increased in transformed epithelial cells and several common carcinomas. In this study, we examined the expression offascin by immunohistochemistry in sinonasal epithelium with chronic inflammation (control group ), exophytic papilloma (EP), inverted papilloma (IP) with dysplasia and cancerated IP (including carcinoma in situ and invasive squamous cell carcinoma, SCC), and further investigated the relationship between fascin expression and formation of malignant IP. Methods Fascin expression was immunohistochemically detected using monoclonal antibody against fascin in 86 paraffin embedded tissues, including 10 cases of sinonasal mucosa with chronic inflammation, 10 of EP, 45 of IP withdysplasia (45 cases were divided into three groups: IP with mild dysplasia, IP with moderate dysplasia, and IP with severe dysplasia, 15 cases each), and 21 of cancerated IP. Results The level of fascin ex pression was significantly higher in the neoplastic tissue than that in control group. Fascine xpression increased gradually with the progression from sinonasal epithelium with chronic inflammation, IP with mild dysplasia, IP with moderate dysplasia, IP with severe dysplasia, to cancerated IP, and significant difference of fascinexpression was observed between any two groups of the five. Conlusion Precancerous lesions of IP exhibit elevated levels of fascin that may be associated with carcinogenesis of IP. Fascin may play a role in the formation of IP and EP. Chin Med J 2007; 120 (5) : 375-379
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中国生产力学会副会长陈胜昌主编的《知识经济读本》于1999年4月由经济科学出版社出版,著名经济学家厉以宁为该书做序。该书有以下特点: 1.可读性。陈胜昌教授长期从事知识
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