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残疾人体育活动的蓬勃发展推动了残疾人体育研究的不断深入,残疾人体育理论研究水平的不断提高又将科学化地指导实践。利用非反应测量的内容分析法,对近十年公开发表的残疾人体育研究文献进行分析发现:残疾人体育相关研究的总体趋势表现为:文献总量快速增加,期刊类型更加丰富;研究的时代特征日益鲜明;理论性基础研究占较大比例。同时,目前关于残疾人体育的研究也存在明显缺陷,研究主题分布较为集中;跨学科研究的理论支撑不足;研究的传统价值观受到挑战;研究工具单一化;研究成果的关注范围扩大但影响力不足。建议:从个体研究转向关系研究、解决研究的技术性问题和理论体系的建构应当成为残疾人体育未来研究的重要方向。 The vigorous development of sports activities for disabled people promotes the continuous deepening of sports research for the handicapped. The continuous improvement of sports theory for the handicapped will guide the practice scientifically. Using the content analysis method of non-reaction measurement, we analyze the published literature about disabled people’s sports published in the past ten years and find that the overall trend of the related research on disabled people’s sports is as follows: the total amount of literature increases rapidly and the periodical types are richer; The characteristics are increasingly clear; theoretical basic research accounts for a large proportion. At the same time, there are still some flaws in the current researches on sports for the handicapped, the topics of the research are more concentrated, the theoretical support of the interdisciplinary research is insufficient, the traditional values ​​of the research are challenged, the research tools are single, the scope of the research results is expanded but the influence is insufficient . Suggestion: From individual study to relationship study, to solve the technical problems of the research and construction of the theoretical system should become the important direction for the future research of disabled sports.
水电机组盘车轴线调整是安装或大修回装中的一项关键工艺,轴流转桨式机组轴系较混流式多一套操作油管,使其盘车工艺愈加复杂。结合尼尔基发电厂2号水轮发电机组A 级大修中的盘
1992年我们发表了《乳房深部动脉供应及乳房内部血管构筑的巨微解剖》一文[1 ] ,在此研究基础上 ,设计并在临床开展了乳腺蒂乳房缩小整形术[2 ] 。此后 ,刘道功[3] 、李森恺[
<正> 众所周知,茶树上的鲜叶可按市场需求加工成不同种类的茶叶,而一个地区的茶类结构是否合理,对于该地区实现最佳的经济效益极为重要。本文主要解剖浙江省诸暨县建国以来茶