乐说 会说 说好——谈如何运用电教促进小学英语口语教学

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口语教学是小学英语教学的重点,也是需要教师花大力气的难点。学生往往存在着不同程度的怕开口、羞于开口的现象。我认为运用多种教学媒体,特别是电教媒体,有助于使学生乐说、说好英语。一、激发学生兴趣,刺激说的欲望。语言是最基本、最原始的教学媒体。教师在课堂教学中坚持使用英语组织教学,其流畅的口语会给学生营造良好的语言环境,使学生对神秘的英语世界产生一种迫切想了解的欲望。在日常教学实践中,我坚持运用基本的课堂用语,使学生逐渐意会,同时根据学生的情绪反应,适时地穿插一些新的口语材料,以使学生调动积极性,保持兴趣。其次,教师亲切幽默的话语,适当的鼓励性评价,可以消除学生的紧张感,活跃课堂气氛。而电教媒体,则有声、有色、有形,学生同时运用多种感官,看、听、玩乐,既满足了好奇心,又由于置身于情景中,产生了愿意融于其中的兴趣。如学生特别喜欢通过 Oral English teaching is the primary focus of primary schools, but also requires teachers to spend great efforts difficult. Students often have different degrees of fear of opening, ashamed to speak of the phenomenon. I think using a variety of teaching media, especially audio-visual media, helps to make students feel good and speak good English. First, stimulate student interest, stimulate the desire to say. Language is the most basic and original teaching medium. Teachers insist on using English to organize teaching in classroom teaching. Their smooth spoken English will create a good language environment for students and make students want to understand the mysterious English world urgently. In my daily teaching practice, I insist on using the basic language of the class so that students gradually come to their senses. At the same time, I will put some new oral materials in a timely manner according to the students’ emotional reactions so as to motivate and motivate the students to mobilize their enthusiasm. Second, the teacher’s friendly and humorous words, appropriate evaluation of encouragement, can eliminate the tension of students, active classroom atmosphere. Audio-visual media, however, is full of sounds, colors and shapes. Students also use a variety of senses, watching, listening and having fun. It not only satisfies curiosity, but also creates interest in becoming involved in the scene. If students like to pass especially