利在当今 功在后世——马街镇建立村镇建设土地管理档案

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1990年3月,有云南省建委、昆明市建委、市档案局、市城建档案处、西山区城建局、土地局、档案局的领导同志参加的村镇建设土地管理档案建档工作验收会在昆明市西山区马街镇召开。市属各郊县(区)城建局、土地局的负责同志列席了会议。会上,验收委员会对马街镇村镇建设土地管理档案的管理体制、文件材料的形成和归档,档案的管理等三项主要指标进行了认真考核,评分97.5分,认为符合建档要求,同意验收,并发给了合格证。党的十一届三中全会以后,广大农村正确贯彻了党的农业政策,农业生产和乡镇企业发展迅速,经济积累逐年增加,农民生活不断改善。随着农村经济实力的增强,农民普遍建盖新房,乡镇企业异军突起,农村的文化教育设施、福利设施、交通设施也应运而生。与此同时,农村人口不断增加,非生产用地不断扩大,土地管理失控,粮食生产徘 March 1990, Yunnan Province Construction Committee, Kunming Municipal Construction Commission, City Archives, City Urban Construction Archives, Xishan District Urban Construction Bureau, Land Bureau, Bureau of Archives to participate in the leadership of the construction of land management archives file inspection work in Kunming Ma Street, Xishan District, held. Municipal districts and counties (districts) Urban Construction Bureau, Land Bureau responsible comrades attended the meeting. At the meeting, the acceptance committee seriously examined the three major indicators of the management system, the formation and filing of archives and materials and the management of archives of the land management archives in the towns and villages in Majie Town, scoring 97.5 points, approving the acceptance requirements , And issued a certificate. After the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Party, the majority of rural areas correctly implemented the party’s agricultural policy. Agricultural production and the rapid development of township and village enterprises have been growing rapidly. Economic accumulation has been increasing year by year and peasants’ living standards have been continuously improved. With the enhancement of rural economic strength, peasants generally build new houses and the emergence of a sudden emergence of township and village enterprises has brought about cultural and educational facilities, welfare facilities and transportation facilities in rural areas. At the same time, the rural population is constantly increasing, non-productive land is expanding, uncontrolled land management and food production
1月17日,俄罗斯右翼报纸《独立报》以《俄共面临被吞并或慢慢解体的威胁》为题,重新提起俄共与公正俄罗斯党合并的话题。俄共的未来和走向从而日益成为人们关注的话题。 On
主持人:吴义勤 对话者:于波、唐长华、许廷顺、赵立爱、张炜炜、李淑霞、江红英 主持人的话: 新生代作家的长篇小说创作从总体上看 Moderator: Wu Yiqin Interlocutor: Yu
编辑同志: 目前,有的档案馆在开放历史档案的工作中,向社会开放了限制利用档案的目录。我认为这种作法不符合《档案法》的有关要求。档案目录的开放取决于档案本身的开放。