神奇光灸:一个城市只有一个机会 把握“老龄化”商机 “体验+讲师”让模式和赚钱更简单

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前言:2012年5月8日,中国卫生部、药监局、发改委、财政部、民政部等15个部委联合下达了一个重要文件:《中国慢性病防治工作规划(2012-2015年)》,该文件指出:伴随工业化、城镇化、老龄化进程加快,我国慢性病发病人数快速上升,现有确诊患者2.6亿人。其中常见慢性病主要有:心脑血管疾病、糖尿病、恶性肿瘤、慢性呼吸系统疾病等。老年慢性病病程长、人群大、费用贵、致残致死率高。慢性病导致的死亡已经占到我国总死亡的85%,导致的疾病负担已占总疾病负担的70%,是群众因病致贫返贫的重要原因,若 Foreword: On May 8, 2012, 15 ministries and commissions including the Chinese Ministry of Health, the Food and Drug Administration, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Civil Affairs jointly issued an important document: “China’s chronic disease prevention and control work plan (2012-2015)”. The document points out that with the acceleration of the process of industrialization, urbanization, and aging, the number of people suffering from chronic diseases in China has risen rapidly and there are currently 260 million confirmed patients. Among the common chronic diseases are: cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, diabetes, malignant tumors, and chronic respiratory diseases. Older chronic diseases have a long course of disease, large populations, high cost, and high disability mortality. The death caused by chronic diseases has accounted for 85% of the total deaths in China. The burden of disease has accounted for 70% of the total disease burden. It is an important reason for the poor to return to poverty due to illness.
不知是出于个人的爱好还是生计的必需,小个子提琴手鲁道夫总是独自驾小船在斯堪的纳维亚漫游,在那些小小的海港城市里举办个人音乐会。如果能找到伴奏者,那当然好;没有的时候他就演奏一些不需要伴奏的作品。偶尔他特别想要钢琴给他伴奏,他就在脑子里想象一架。这样,即使没有钢琴在眼前,他也可以把为提琴和钢琴谱写的奏鸣曲一口气拉下来。  有一年,鲁道夫跨海到了冰岛,沿着嶙峋的海岸,在一个个小城镇里做巡回演出。这是一
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Gastric adenocarcinoma is quite rare in children and as a result very little experience has been reported on with regards to clinical presentation,treatment and