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一、狼烟四起的争夺毋庸多言,当下,已经是一个网络时代了。换而言之,在现阶段,一个不跟网络沾边的软硬件产品、应用或者服务,就基本很难有什么市场发展的空间和机会了。在“三网融合”大旗的感召之下,各路诸侯纷纷抖擞精神,重整旗鼓,厉兵秣马,剑指“网络入口”。进一步来看,如果说企业在搜索引擎中取得了一定的市场占有率就可以取得网络“软入口”优势的话,那么,各大厂商在智 Needless to say, the current battle for the four wolves is already a web age. In other words, at this stage, a non-network software and hardware products, applications or services, it is basically difficult to have any room for market development and opportunities. Under the motto of the banner of “triple play”, various princes are vigorously rejuvenating themselves, making determined preparations, pointing to the “network entrance”. Further, if the company made in the search engine market share can get a network “soft entrance ” advantage, then, the major manufacturers in Chile
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立秋以后,棉花进入生长后期。这段时间,光照充足,温度适宜,有利于棉铃的生长发育。因此,应抓住这一有利时机,加强棉花的后期管理,以夺取棉花高产。 After the autumn, cotto
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8月份正值立秋、处暑。湖北多持续高温,日照强烈,伏秋连旱,间有暴雨。处暑后白天热,早、晚渐凉,降雨渐少。 August is the beginning of autumn, summer heat. Hubei contin
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稻茬田免耕覆盖稻草栽培秋马铃薯,是在水稻收获后,在稻田上划线开沟成厢,将种薯摆放在厢面上,施足底肥,并用稻草覆盖的一项省工、节本、产量高的栽培技术,其技术是: Rice st