圣·乔治武器公司Leader50 A1超轻量反器材步枪

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Leader50 A1超轻量反器材步枪是在Leader50反器材步枪基础上研制的改进型号,同样发射12.7×99mm NATO弹。Leader50 A1在沿用原型枪基本结构设计的同时进行了大量的改进。机匣截面由方形改成了类似梯形的结构,机匣顶部改为平顶式设计,设有导轨安装孔,用户可根据需要安装不同长度的导轨,护手两侧增设了防滑槽,右侧还增加了散热孔。取消了握把后方的护圈,弹匣插槽改为向前倾斜,保留了口部的弹匣导引面,弹匣锁定装置由类似AR系步枪的样式改成了AK系步枪的弹匣卡笋形式,抛壳窗的前后两端由圆弧形改为直线形。另外,该枪还增加了不少新的结构功能,比如:枪管口部的制退器后方加装了挡流板,用以防止后喷的气流对射手造成伤害;握把前方增设握把保险,提高武器的安全性能;枪托下方增设单脚架,提高了射击的稳定性。 Leader50 A1 super-lightweight anti-material rifle is developed on the basis of Leader50 anti-material rifle model, the same launch 12.7 × 99mm NATO bombs. Leader50 A1 follows the basic structure of the prototype design of the gun at the same time a lot of improvements. The cross section of the casing is changed from square to trapezoid. The top of the casing is changed into a flat top design. There is a guide rail mounting hole. The user can install different length guide rails according to the need. Also added vents. The retainer behind the grip was removed and the magazine slot was tilted forward to retain the magazine guide at the mouth. The magazine lock was changed from an AR-like rifle style to an AK-style rifle magazine Card bamboo shoot form, throw shell windows before and after the ends by the arc to linear. In addition, the gun also added a lot of new structural features, such as: the rear of the muzzle of the barrel nozzle installed a baffle to prevent post-jet airflow on the shooter cause harm; grip in front of additional grip Insurance, improve the safety performance of weapons; under the support of a monopod, improve the stability of the shooting.
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