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党的十七届三中全会通过的《中共中央关于推进农村改革发展若干重大问题的决定》要求,继续做好农民负担监督管理工作,完善村民一事一议筹资筹劳办法,健全农村公益事业建设机制。开展村级公益事业建设一事一议财政奖补试点工作,是坚持以人为本,贯彻落实科学发展观的重大举措,有利于发挥财政资金引导作用,形成农村公益事业发展新机制,加快解决农村民生问题。本期专题介绍了村级公益事业建设一事一议财政奖补的政策要求,总结了黑龙江等三个试点省份的经验,以期为2009年稳步扩大试点范围提供参考与借鉴。 The “Decision of the CPC Central Committee and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Several Important Issues Regarding the Promotion of Rural Reform and Development” was passed at the Third Plenary Session of the 17th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to continue to supervise and manage farmers ’burdens, improve villagers’ methods of raising funds for each issue, and improve the public welfare undertakings in rural areas mechanism. Carrying out the construction of village-level public welfare undertakings and discussing the work of making financial awards and compensating for the pilot projects is a major measure for adhering to the people-oriented principle of implementing the scientific concept of development. It is conducive to giving play to the guiding role of financial funds, forming a new mechanism for the development of rural public welfare undertakings, and expediting the solution to rural people’s livelihood issues. This issue introduces the policy requirements for the construction of public welfare undertakings at village level and financial subsidies, summarizes the experience of the three pilot provinces such as Heilongjiang Province, with a view to providing reference and reference for the steady expansion of the scope of pilot projects in 2009.
祖父谢世多年,而今我已年逾半百,他的形象在我的脑际里似乎荡然无存。然而,祖父给我讲的‘钱’字,我至今还记得。 祖父目不识丁,唯独对繁体的‘钱’字讲起来颇有意味。记得
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徐迟是我唯一的从未晤面的知交。我们相知时间也不太长,从1990年春开始通信,便宾主相得,互不生疏。他成了我文字上的导师,感情上的密友。 1988年夏季,我在印尼的妹妹张秀娟
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