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张朋是一名大夫。一次,我应邀为他所在医院的积极分子培训班上课。在这次培训班上,我结识了他。在课后组织的讨论中,张朋谈了自己在积极争取入党过程中遇到的困惑。他说:“我在工作上积极努力,是业务骨干,还在学术杂志上发表过文章。可是我们院里有些人业务上不过硬,反而入了党,还被评了先进。我心里面就特别不服气,为什么这样的人吃香,而像我这样认真干工作的人却得不到公平对待?”针对这个问题,我跟他沟通了思想,之后,他又几次和我联系,我们做了更深入的交流。其实,张朋的这个问题,也有不少积极分子向我提出过。在这里,我想就这个话题谈一谈我的看法。保持工作单位和谐愉快的人际关系是发展事业的条件之一。对于张朋提出的问题,我觉得只要那些人不是采取不正当手段达到个人目的,那么,他们就值得学习。和谐的人际关系是一种宝贵的财富,也是个人成长的良好氛围。“三人行,必有吾师”。要善于发现并学习周围同志的优点,摆正面对别人长处、优点的态度,这能让你更快平静下来。世事有起伏,人心难久平。一个人,越是在工作上有所追求,越应该反观自省,在情感波澜中锁定真正的 Zhang Peng is a doctor. Once, I was invited to attend an activist training class at his hospital. In this training class, I met him. In the discussion organized after class, Zhang Peng talked about his own confusion in the process of actively joining the party. He said: “I work hard at work, is the backbone of the business, and has published articles in academic magazines. However, some people in our hospital are not doing well on the business, but instead they were admitted to the party and advanced. Why is it that such a person is popular and that people who work hard like me do not get fair treatment? ”I talked with him about this issue and after that he contacted me several times, We have done more in-depth exchanges. In fact, this issue of Zhang Peng, many activists have also proposed to me. Here, I want to talk about my opinion on this topic. Maintaining a harmonious and pleasant interpersonal relationship among work units is one of the conditions for developing a career. As for the questions raised by Zhang Peng, I think as long as those people did not resort to improper means to achieve their personal goals, then they are worth learning. Harmony of human relationships is a valuable asset, but also a good atmosphere for personal growth. “Threesome, there must be my teacher ”. To be good at discovering and learning the virtues of the surrounding gay people and putting yourself in the position to deal with the strengths and virtues of others makes it quicker to calm down. There are ups and downs in the world, peace of mind difficult. A person, the more in the pursuit of work, the more you should look back introspection, lock in the emotional waves of real