Based on the digital image processing technology, the percentage of wind erosion grains with different grain size on the wind erosion coarse grained surface in the north of Jilantai Salt Lake was obtained, and the spatial heterogeneity of each grain size was studied by classical statistics and geostatistical analysis analysis. The results showed that: 1) the average percentages of highly erodible (<0.42mm), semi-erodable (0.42-0.84mm) and non-erodable (> 0.84mm) particles were 17.20%, 20.73% and 47.38% Area surface composition of non-corrosive particles based. 2) The coefficients of variation of the highly erodable, semi-erodable and non-erodable particles were 53.31%, 32.75% and 41.58%, respectively. The theoretical models of semivariance function optimal fit of the three models were exponential model, coefficient of variation and semivariogram The functional model shows that the smaller the particles are, the greater the variability of the spatial distribution is. 3) The spatial distribution pattern of the three types of wind erosion particles showed a patchy pattern, indicating that the spatial distribution pattern of the particles is the result of the combination of structural factors and random factors. Among them, the soil parent material, wind erosion and vegetation distribution are the main driving forces that cause the differences in particle size distribution at different grain sizes. In addition, man-made processes also affect the particle redistribution to a certain extent.