临武县位于湘粤边境,地理位置介于东经112°20′~112°47′,北纬25°07′~28°29′之间,属中亚热带季风湿润气候,四季分明,寒冷期短,炎热期长。全县日平均气温16.3℃,1月份最冷、日平均气温5.5℃,7月份最热、日平均气温26.9℃。年平均无霜期296天,年平均日照总时数1 615.1小时,境内雨水充足,年均降水量1 415.3 mm。本县西北部山区大部分为石灰岩发育的砂性壤土,土层深厚而疏松,含
Linwu County is located in the border between Hunan and Guangdong. Its geographical location is between east longitude 112 ° 20 ’~ 112 ° 47’ and latitude 25 ° 07 ’~ 28 ° 29’. It belongs to the subtropical monsoon humid climate with four seasons, short cold period, Long period of heat. The county average daily temperature of 16.3 ℃, the coldest in January, the average daily temperature of 5.5 ℃, the hottest July, the average daily temperature of 26.9 ℃. The average annual frost-free period is 296 days. The average annual sunshine duration is 1 615.1 hours. There is abundant rainfall in the territory, with an average annual rainfall of 1 415.3 mm. Most of the northwestern mountainous area of the county is sandy loam with limestone development. The soil layer is deep and loose, with