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离娘饭 “离娘饭”,顾名思义是待嫁的姑娘离开母亲吃的最后一顿饭,有道别饯行之意。 “离娘饭”一般在婚期的头天晚上进行,参加人有父母、叔婶、哥嫂等。饭桌上按长幼落座,新娘的母亲张罗酒莱,并要亲手掌勺,别人是万万不能帮忙或代劳的。头道主莱是新郎家上午派人送来的一只公鸡和一只母鸡,这道莱称“离娘鸡(吉)”,意味着女儿离开娘以后,定会大吉大利,除几道主菜之外,另配有一碗水饺、一碗面条、一碗大米干饭,“饺子”谐音“交子”,预祝新人早生贵子,面条则喻婚姻地久天长,大米干饭是白头偕老之意。饭莱备齐,母亲落座,新娘首先站起来,端起米饭递给父亲,父亲接过绕桌一周,再递给哥哥,哥哥端起碗传给新娘,新娘马上衔上三口,吐在早就放在桌上的手帕里,婶子或嫂子迅速将手帕包拢,放在新娘的衣袋里,让她第二天带到夫家去。 Eratrus rice “from the mother rice”, as the name suggests is to be married girl left the mother to eat the last meal, say goodbye farewell. “Emancipation of rice” usually in the first night of the wedding, the participants have parents, aunts, brother-in-law and so on. The table by the long-term seated, the bride’s mother Zhang Lola wine, and to personally palm spoon, others are absolutely can not help or do it. Head Dao Lai is the bride and groom sent home by the groom’s morning a rooster and a hen, this Dole said “away from the chicken (Kyrgyzstan)”, means that her daughter left the mother will be lucky, in addition to a few In addition to the main course, there is also a bowl of dumplings, a bowl of noodles, a bowl of rice dry rice, “dumpling” homonym “intersection”, I wish you a new born Takako son, noodles are long marriages of marriage forever, rice dry rice is white-headed meaning. Rice Lai Qi Qi, the mother seated, the bride first stood up, took the rice handed to his father, the father took the table around the week, and then handed over to the brother, brother handed a bowl to the bride, the bride immediately on the title three, vomited in the long Put the handkerchief on the table, aunt or sister in law quickly wrap the handkerchief, placed in the bride’s pocket, let her go to the husband’s home the next day.
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