采用田间试验,分析评价来自西南地区50个玉米地方品种的表型特征。西南地区玉米地方品种在各农艺、经济性状上存在极显著差异,经济性状的变异程度较农艺性状的变异程度高;多数玉米地方品种植株和穗位较高,平均株高和穗位高分别高达2.64 m和1.38 m。根据主成分分析结果,从供试材料中选出10个表现较优的地方品种。表型性状的聚类结果不能反映玉米地方品种的地理来源。西南地区玉米地方品种蕴藏丰富的优良种质,有必要加强这一种质的保护与利用。
Field experiments were conducted to analyze the phenotypic characteristics of 50 maize landraces from southwest China. The maize landraces in Southwest China had extremely significant differences in their agronomic and economic traits. The degree of variation in economic traits was higher than that in agronomic traits. Most maize landraces had higher plant and ear positions, with average plant height and ear height up to 2.64 m and 1.38 m. According to the results of principal component analysis, 10 local cultivars with better performance were selected from the tested materials. The clustering results of phenotypic traits can not reflect the geographical origin of maize landraces. It is necessary to strengthen the protection and utilization of this kind of germplasm in the southwest corn variety rich in germplasm.