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宁夏地处祖国的西北,历史上是中原与西北少数民族地区的交汇之地,汉族和戎、狄、羌、回等少数民族杂居于此,著名的丝绸之路也从宁夏经过。由于其地理位置的特殊性,宁夏不但是历代边防重地,也是我国历史上行政区划变化最多的地区之一。因此,宁夏的民间音乐不单与中原音乐有较深的传承关系,同时也受到西域和北方少数民族的影 Ningxia is located in the northwestern part of the motherland. Historically it was the place where the Central Plains and the Northwest Minorities met. Han and Rong, Di, Qiang and Hui minorities lived together here. The famous Silk Road also passed through Ningxia. Because of its special geographic location, Ningxia is not only the border heavyweights in history, but also one of the regions with the most changes in administrative history in our country. Therefore, Ningxia folk music not only has a deeper inheritance relationship with the Central Plains music, but also by the Western Regions and northern ethnic minorities
足坛上最有价值的球员并不单纯依赖左脚或者右脚,他们都是能够左右开弓的天才——这也许能为行进中的医改提个醒。 The most valuable players in football don’t rely sol
The thesis is a comparative study of the Sino-American Negotiating goals and protocols. Efforts in the thesis are devoted to exploring the underlying cultural f
现将我院2002~2004年对供应室实习护生的组织管理方法介绍如下.  资料与方法  1.一般资料.供应室共有护理人员13名,其中正副护士长各1名,带教老师8人,讲课老师5人.我院每年护生160~200人,护生7~9人/组,供应室实习时间为2周。
The complexes formed by the interaction of human serum albumin and ampicillin sodium in aqueous solutions were investigated at 25 ± 0.1℃, ionic strength I = 0