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革命老区,往往和交通闭塞、经济落后等词语相联系,湖北恩施土家族苗族自治州巴东县曾经也是如此。然而,国家西部开发战略中六百里川江三峡库区北岸唯一的陆上快速通道——宜(昌)巴(东)高速公路的修建,正在改变着这一现状。为早日建成打通巴东县城及长江流域各乡镇“上川下广”的快速通道,加快带动沿线经济社会发展,中铁七局集团武汉公司近600名建设者在巴东 The old revolutionary base areas are often linked to the words of traffic congestion and economic backwardness, as did Badong County in Hubei Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture. However, the construction of the Yichang-Changba (East) Expressway, the only land-based expressway north of the Three Gorges reservoir area of ​​the Six Mile River in the Three Gorges Project in the state’s western development strategy, is changing this situation. In order to speed up the economic and social development along the line as soon as possible to build a rapid access to Badong County and towns and villages in the Yangtze River Valley and to “spread the upper reaches of the Yangtze River” as early as possible, nearly 600 builders of Wuhan Company of China Railway Seventh Group