According to incomplete statistics, there are 94 kinds of library science and information science journals published in our country (including internal circulation publications, excluding Taiwan, Hong Kong area publications). Among them, there are 43 kinds of library science journals, 37 kinds of information science journals, and 14 kinds of comprehensive journals of library science and information science. * ~ And more than 10 years ago, there were only a few kinds of library science journals in our country, and information science journals were almost empty. It is well known that journals rank first in the top 10 intelligence sources, and contain 70-80% of the total informative information, which is the shortcut for publishing scientific research results. The number of publications and the quality of publications in a subject area is an important indicator of academic success and failure of the subject. The increasing variety and quality of library and information science journals in our country reflect the flourishing development of library and information science and the gratifying situation of library science and information science academic research flourishing day by day.