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在传统乡村社会的权力关系中。除了代表皇权的正式体制外,还有绅权和族权两大民间权力支柱,使国家的行政权和乡村自治权融为一体。20世纪初期,为了挽救帝国危机,朝廷开始兴办新型产业与举办新学,乡村有权有钱的精英纷纷向城市涌动,造成士绅质量的蜕化.原先的三角稳定结构难以为继,土豪劣绅占据底层权力的中心.乡村社会关系恶化.阶级冲突加剧。共产党在农村发动革命,建立了新中国.在国力孱弱的基础上启动工业化,又被迫选择了城乡二元体制,以便从乡村汲取资源。当下中国,乡村治理结构面临再次转型.“新农村建设”应时而生。 In the traditional village society power relations. In addition to the formal system of imperial power, there are also the pillars of the two civil rights, the gentry power and the ethnic minority power, which make the state’s administrative power and rural autonomy a unit. In the early twentieth century, in order to save the imperial crisis, the court began to set up new industries and hold new schools, and the elites in the rural areas, who had the right and money, surged one after another to make the gentry degenerate. The original triangular stable structure was unsustainable and occupied by tyrants and gentry The center of the underlying power is the deterioration of rural social relations, and the intensification of class conflicts. The Communist Party launched a revolution in the countryside and established the People’s Republic of China, which started industrialization on the basis of weak national strength and was forced to choose a dual urban-rural system in order to draw resources from the rural areas. At present, China’s rural governance structure is facing another transformation. “” New rural construction "emerges from time to time.
化石千层下 在野外山崖上找到一块有螺壳的化石,好奇地看来看去,不由想象着千万年前的沧海桑田,这里真的可能是经过了“百川沸腾,山冢 崩,高岸为谷,深谷为陵”。一个小小的螺壳化石
甘肃省档案学会,于一九八五年二月二日在兰州召开了二届二次理事会议.二十九名理事出席了会议,参加地、市、自治州档案局长座谈会的有关同志列席了会议. 会议传达了中国档案
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古代官员的贬谪活动推动着湖湘地区社会政治经济文化的发展 ,也有力地推动着湖湘古代文学的发展 ,成为近年古代文学特别是湖湘地域性文学研究中的热点。本组笔谈从宏观的角度