The femtosecond laser pulse with high power and high repetition frequency and multi-wavelength was obtained by using the large-mode-area photonic crystal fiber femtosecond laser system as the light source of the fundamental frequency by using the nonlinear frequency up-conversion method. The theoretical analysis and experimental verification of the focusing lens Focal length of the octave transverse mode field distribution, the longer the lens focal length, the better the mode field quality.When the average fundamental frequency power of 21.8W, the pulse width of 110fs, the repetition frequency of 50MHz conditions, after double frequency , Third harmonic and fourth harmonic to obtain the wavelength of 520,347 and 261nm femtosecond laser, the average power of 10.5,4.7 and 2.14W respectively. The conversion efficiency of double and triple frequency were 48.2% and 21.6%, respectively, The conversion efficiency from the second harmonic to the fourth harmonic is 20.4%. The cross-correlation method was used to measure the pulse width of the 261nm UV laser at 408 fs.